On World Mental Health Day we would like to share with you some useful tips to help you maintain your mental wellbeing

On World Mental Health Day we would like to share with you some useful tips to help you maintain your mental wellbeing

1- Stick to a healthy routine that makes you feel fulfilled and comfortable – Sticking to healthy habits allows you to ensure fulfilling the things that matter most to you in your everyday life. Remember it’s crucial to do things that make you happy but pick the things that elevate your wellbeing. Such as physical activity which has a huge positive impact on our well-being.

2- Get enough sleep! Your body needs the rest to recharge. Functioning on little sleep can really affect your well-being. Create a sleep routine by going to bed and getting up at the same time every day. The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is at least seven hours.

3- Practice self-awareness. Self-awareness is how you learn about yourself, your needs, potential, and what holds you back. It helps you minimize your reactions to help you make more intentional decisions. Self-awareness gives a voice to your inner voice and helps you see patterns in your thoughts and behaviors. So, practice mindfulness and stay in the present!

4- Always work on improving yourself. Evolve by learning new things, replacing bad habits, becoming more productive, finding emotional balance, and improving your relationships.

5- Eat healthier and make sure you are maintaining sufficient levels of nutrients. Being deficient in certain nutrients can cause or worsen your anxiety. And getting more of the right vitamins and minerals can increase your ability to properly manage stress. Anxiety itself can also deplete nutrient levels. So, the more anxious you are, the faster your body will burn through its vitamins and minerals. The vitamins and minerals are magnesium, zinc, B6, Omega 3 fatty acids, selenium, iron, vitamin D, and antioxidant nutrients (Vitamins A, C, and E).

6- Connect with Others. You may prevent loneliness and enhance your mental health and wellness by spending quality time with friends and family. Social engagement provides emotional fulfillment and a sense of belonging which helps you feel better about yourself.

7- Share and seek support. We may not have sufficient knowledge and tools to help ourselves but there are experts who can guide us through. Guidance counselors are educated and trained to help foster the coping skills everyone needs to function properly.

8- Avoid too much exposure to negativity. Monitor your screen time and what you consume to ensure you are not exposing yourself to too many unfortunate events and news. Other people’s sadness and problems are not yours, so you have to practice being empathetic without letting it get to you. In addition, recognize toxic environments and people to ensure guarding yourself against them.