Finding Work-Life Balance

Finding Work-Life Balance

Written by EFG Hermes

Finding work-life balance is one of the toughest endeavors a modern worker can take on. Our jobs are more demanding than before, we’re connected 24/7 and expected to respond at any and all hours. If you work in finance, this is especially true; markets never sleep. It could be midnight where you are but morning in another country, and staying connected, informed and able to correctly react to any news could mean the difference between a promotion and losing your job.

However, we cannot bury ourselves in work. Studies have shown that maintaining a balance between work and our social and family lives actually increases productivity in addition to reducing health risks and improving our overall well-being.

We don’t always know how to strike this balance. While we all strive to prove ourselves and shine a light on our capabilities to stand out among the crowd, we must be careful we don’t burn out before reaching our goals. Here are a few tips to help you achieve and maintain the work/life balance that’s right for you:

  • Learn to say no:

Your time is scarce and it’s important to decide for yourself where you’d like to spend it, what you would like to do and who you want to build relationships with. Start by figuring out what is really important to you. Though there are certain things about time you cannot negotiate, most of us waste time with people or activities which have nothing to do with our list of priorities. If this is the case, free up that time! When you start prioritizing what really matters in your life, you will become more focused and be completely present in the things you’ve said yes to.

  • Make time for yourself:

Whether it’s a morning or night routine, take half an hour a day for yourself. Don’t check your emails, and if you deal with news or financial news, don’t check them either. Take this time to unwind and release any built-up tension. You could play with your pets, do some light exercise and stretches, read a novel, or meditate. Whatever you choose you do, make sure it’s for your own well-being. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

  • Plan plan plan:

Spontaneity is fun, of course, but it’s not realistic during this busy day and age. Plan anything and everything; outings and vacations with your family and friends, date nights with your spouse, your children’s birthday parties. When everything is planned and on a calendar, you’ll be able to schedule your work time around it, ensuring that you’ll never forget or miss out on an important personal event due to scheduling conflicts.

  • Eat with your family:

Nowadays we all eat on the go; in our cars, at our desks and while running from one meeting to the next. This practice isn’t healthy physically or emotionally – meal times have always been a staple in human interactions. In our demanding line of work, we might end up going home too late for a full meal, don’t let this stop you. Share a light snack with your family, sit, talk, and listen to how their day went. Spending time with your family can strengthen your relationship and develop tighter bonds.

  • Take care of your health:

Health is our most valuable asset. Find the balance between work, a social life, and a family life without jeopardizing it. Find time to exercise, sleep well, and eat full balanced meals, so you don’t end up trying to find time to work in between colds, stomach aches, or potentially worse ailments.

However you approach this, the key is to create your own balance. Every day we find ourselves glued to more screens and stressed over events happening hundreds of miles away from us, but the smallest changes can make a world of difference. Creating a balance between how you think, how you work and how you spend your time is essential to your long-term health and mental well-being.